
Our commitment to providing a sustainable product begins with our responsibility of preserving and monitoring the waters of the Long Island Sound.


We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be partners with the sea, and are proud to be acting as stewards of the water and our oyster grounds.


Our commitment to providing a sustainable product begins with our responsibility of preserving and monitoring the waters of the Long Island Sound. We are able to maintain the sustainability of Copps Island Oysters by using farming techniques that enhance the environment needed for oysters to thrive. Our farming methods have successfully increased the production and quality of our oysters in local waters for over 150 years.

Our farm not only produces a delicious treat from the deep, but is also highly beneficial to the environment. Oyster beds filter millions of gallons of water each day and create habitats for many other varieties of marine life.

We look forward to continuing our mission in keeping our farm environmentally safe and sustainable and are proud to be partners with incredible organizations such as, Earthplace, Harborwatch and Soundkeeper.


Check out our sustainably sourced seafood & supplies.

Harbor Watch


Harbor Watch is a nonprofit organization with a mission to educate people on water quality through knowledge, data and hands on experience in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Founded by Dick Harris in 1986, Harbor Watch quickly became a premier volunteer water quality program, monitoring over 250 sites and has trained over 1,000 individuals.

In 2009, Norm Bloom & Son funded Harbor Watch’s second state of the art lab, which is located right at their facility in East Norwalk, CT. With the addition of a second lab, Harbor Watch and Norm Bloom expand their efforts in testing, monitoring, and processing various water samples. With a lab directly on site, we can assure that our product is always farmed in a safe and eco-friendly environment.



Soundkeeper is an outstanding organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and protecting the Long Island Sound from various contaminants and pollution. It acts as the voice and reason of concerned citizens and is responsible for overseeing that various state laws are enforced (i.e. Clean Water Act), in order to create a swimmable and fishable environment for all. Soundkeeper was founded in 1987 by local fishermen, Terry Backer and Chris Staplefelt, in response to the discovery of an unprecedented amount of pollution in the surrounding harbors. With the help of Hudson Riverkeeper, John Cronin and Riverkeeper Attorney, Robert F Kennedy Jr., the group decided to take legal action against cities that violated the Clean Water Act in order to save the waters of the Long Island Sound.

A life long friend of Norm, the late Terry Backer became the first Soundkeeper and has helped set the standard for water preservation and awareness across the globe. Today, there are approximately 200 “Waterkeeper” organizations, across six continents in 20 different countries such as; India, Napal, China, Austrailia and Russia.